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  3. UniWP 1.5
  4. Posts class
  5. Delete


WHAT ISDelete the given posts ID.
DONECalled on deletion completed.
ERRORCalled on a system error.
USED WP METHODSwp_delete_post

_ = wpPosts.$Delete$(%postsID, %^forceDelete^).$Done$(%doneCallback%) .$Error$(%errorCallback%) .$Run$();

The array of the IDs of the posts to delete.
Default: false
By default, deleted Posts will be stored in WordPress’s trash. If set to true, the Posts will be permanently deleted.
The function to call when the operation will be completed.
Note: the use of the Done() method is mandatory.
The function to call in case of error.
Note: the use of the Error() method is optional and can be omitted.

{{{#912c9a|WPReply|Data-type|Property or method description}}}
true if everything is ok, false in case of error.
true in case of error, false if everything is ok.
The error message from the Server. It can be a string generated by WordPress through its get_error_message method (see the WP manual).
errorType|HttpRequest.Error Enum
The kind of error:
NONE = no error.
HTTP_ERROR = communication error.
WORDPRESS_ERROR = error message from WordPress REST APIs.

var myPosts = new UniWP.Posts();

_ = myPosts.Delete(new int[] {1, 10, 12, 24}, true)
    .Done((WPReply reply) => 
        if (reply.isOK) Debug.Log("Posts permanently deleted!");
    .Error((WPReply reply) => 