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UniREST Server Plugin management


Once installed, the UniREST Server plugin files and structure are integrated in your WordPress installation.

Plugin folder

The plugin project is stored into the tigerforge-unirest-server folder, inside the default WordPress plugin folder (WordPress folder > wp-content > plugins).

UNIREST folder

The plugin creates a folder named UNIREST, under the WordPress folder. This folder contains 3 .php files: unirest.php.api, unirest.config.php and unirest.init.php. This files contains the instructions that make your APIs work.

Database Tables

The plugins create two tables in the Database used by WordPress: tfdb_config and tfur_users. They contain the UniREST configuration data and user accounts.

The tables created by the developer have their name starting with tfur_.


The plugin shouldn’t create any issue to your WordPress installation. However, unexpected malfunctions could make WordPress not working.

The main issue could be the corruption of the .php files under the UNIREST folder. In this case, you can operate in these ways:

  • if you have a PHP language basic knowledge, open the .php files and try to understand where the issue is. A common problem could be a missing <?php or ?>, a missing “;” symbol, and so on;
  • download that files for just making a backup copy and then delete the UNIREST folder. Then reset the UniREST Server plugin.

UniREST Server plugin reset

To bring back your UniREST Server status to how it was in the beginning:

  1. delete the UNIREST folder;
  2. in the Database, delete the tfdb_config table.

When you start the UniREST Server web application, it will ask you to click the [START] button for completing the installation.

UniREST Server plugin full uninstall

Uninstalling the UniREST Server plugin through the WordPress Administration Area doesn’t perform a full uninstall. To delete everything related to the UniREST Server installation, you have also to:

  1. delete the UNIREST folder;
  2. in the Database, delete all the tables which name start with tfdb_ and tfur_.