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  3. UniREST Solution 3.5
  4. UniREST Server
  5. First Start

First Start

The first time you run the UniREST Server application, a welcome page is shown and a message will invite you to press the [START] button to perform the system initialization.

Moreover, it shows the result of a generic system check. Before to start using the UniREST Server application, you should check if the detected information is correct (the various paths and URLs).

The most important thing to check is if the writing permissions are granted. Without this permissions, the UniREST Server application won't work.

Clicking the START button, the UniREST Server application will perform 3 operations:

  • it will generate the secret keys needed for the communications with your Unity game;
  • it will create a config table in your Database where to store this application configuration data;
  • it will create a new folder, called UNIREST, in the root of your WordPress installation.

If those operations will be successfully performed, a confirmation message is shown:

What the UNIREST folder is?

During the first configuration process, the UniREST Server application creates a new folder, called UNIREST, in the root of your WordPress installation (e.g. if WordPress is installed in http://mysite.com/wp, this folder will be http://mysite.com/wp/UNIREST).

Inside this folder, the UniREST Server application will create everything that is needed for the UniREST solution to work. In this way, everything will be outside the UniREST Server plugin folder and other WordPress related components.

Keep in mind that the UNIREST folder will contain server-side scripts, so it won't be accessible publicly.

What can go wrong?

Since the UniREST Server application uses the WordPress framework, things as Database access, REST APIs configuration and so on should work without any problem.

However if for some reason WordPress hasn’t been properly installed or configured or if your hosting/server has some limiting feature, something can go wrong.

Basically, the UniREST Server application must be able to perform those operations without any kind of limitation:

  • having access to your Database so as to create new tables, read, write and delete them or their data. The UniREST Server application does this through the WordPress official Database APIs, so this operation should work.
  • having the authorization to create, read and delete files and folders in the root of your WordPress installation (the folder where WordPress is installed in). This thing is not taken for granted, so check if there may be some authorization problem.